thank you all for your replies, it is appreciated. You all make some very valid points...
I see there is disagreement - to be expected I guess
this is looking like it is one of those gotta just kinda do it for yourself and see how it works out type deals, with some known cuts so you can see what, if any, changes may occur
might even just give them the 11/13 for the second half of flower in the room I have going currently and see where we end up, I know everything in there currently from before too so I could gauge any difference fairly well hopefully. Might even do 10/14 at some point and give that a try for a whole flower cycle on a future grow. If I could make that work equally well then that would sure be a neat trick eh
for me it is an issue of wanting to do things with more space and trying to shave and streamline everything I can to get another space without going bananas with wattage. that got me looking into it in the first place but then I came across all this other stuff too about the method, remembered seeing that emerald cup video of DJ saying that sorta stuff, and thought I better put it to the TGC panel to get some personal insight
thanks very much once again for all your input fellas and by all means if there is anyone else wanting to still throw in their two cents please go right ahead, the more points of view the better
I've gotten away from experiments in the last six months or so, finally closing in on exactly how I want my room and gardens to grow with what equipment, how to best use that equipment, and what makes me comfortable with all variables there are to growing and smoking what I grow etc.
I would have never got to this point without those experiments so if there was one thing I could pass to others that are seeking that perfect grow for themselves, I must say experiment and if possible build a space separate from everything else you have going for those experiments.
Start growing by the book with known practices that ensure success and then build on that with things you may have to do or not have to do in the experimental space.
My old 3'x3' (1m x1m) experiment space taught me more than anything I've read from any book or articles.
Everything from what a light can really do on it's own without help to light cycles to how long a DWC plant could live in water without aeration were done in that space, along with many other experiments just to see what happens.
Not that what another grower or author had posted was wrong, I simply have to see for myself..what will and will not work for me.
So these days on topics like this or that DWC plant in dead water I can say another grower may need lights running 12/12 and fully aerated water to be successful. But I can get away with 10/14 and a plant sitting in dead water for 3 weeks before it shows negative effects
Neither of us are wrong. It's just that one thing that may cause failure for one could result in success for another. It's also helped me find out what works and what performs because the gap between working and performing at a high level is as wide as the Atlantic ocean.
So that leads to those fiery debates which TBH, I ignore many of them now. People will argue this or that, never realize they're both right, and be unwilling to accept something that failed for one worked quite well for another.
I mean shit man...If I bought into some things I've read I'd be convinced my lights suck balls and cannot even grow algae, my water is a poisonous herbicide, my hydro methods are more like managing a swamp than they are hydroponics, and my aerocloner is the cause for all things terrible in life.
Regarding light cycles...I'm more into the quality of light than the quantity of light and it's based 100% off my experiments, indoors and out.
Like the Sun may be up for about 12 hours a day but a ganja plant under the Sun for 12 hours at my longitude/latitude will get beat down and stressed. Ganja here does much better with about 8 hours of full direct Sun starting in the morning then tapering off into darkness the latter part of the day.
So I take that and apply it indoors. Use a very high quality light that can almost match the Sun in spectra and intensity. The result will be the light and plant working better together in efficiency and typically light on time can be reduced.
But that may not work with a lesser quality of light such as CFL which if I was a CFL grower I would run them 24/7 in veg and 12/12 in bloom. Then the quantity of light needs to be increased to make up for the lack of quality light.